Harvard FCU Completes Ben 3.2 Run/Walk

In a bid to make a meaningful impact and foster community spirit, Harvard FCU proudly participated in the Ben 3.2 Virtual Run/Walk, supporting The Benson M. Abercrombie ’21 Fund.

The Ben 3.2 Experience

The Ben 3.2 is a virtual run/walk event that, this year, spanned from Sunday, November 12, to Sunday, November 26. Participants had the flexibility to complete 3.2 miles at their convenience and on their favorite running/walking route. Harvard FCU is was proud to be able to support a group of employees in completing this event!

Honoring #32 Ben Abercrombie

The event is dedicated to honoring the spirit of #32 Ben Abercrombie, a former member of the Harvard football team. Ben faced a catastrophic spinal cord injury during his first collegiate game, but he continues his Harvard education while remaining an integral part of the football program. The Abercrombie Fund, supported by the Harvard Varsity Club, provides assistance to the Abercrombie family and any future Harvard undergraduate student-athlete who experiences a severe or catastrophic injury while representing the Crimson.

Why 3.2 Miles?

You might wonder how 3.2 miles compares to a traditional 5K. The answer: it’s basically the same! Hundreds of alumnae/i and friends complete 3.2 miles to show solidarity and support for Ben Abercrombie and others facing similar challenges.

This Year

This year, Ben 3.2 raised $20k from the race alone. The event saw 450 participants, and Harvard FCU was honored to be included as one of 34 teams. Check out the hashtag #Ben32Harvard FCU on social media to view photos from participants!

Harvard FCU was delighted to lace up our running shoes and make a positive impact together. As we strive for a collective impact, it was great to be able to demonstrate the strength of our community and support The Benson M. Abercrombie ’21 Fund.

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