Harvard FCU & BCH Make Miracles Happen
Harvard Federal Credit Union (Harvard FCU) is delighted to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to supporting our community partners through our latest initiative. We recently had the privilege of nominating Boston Children’s Hospital for the Velera Miracle Momentum award in support of Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) hospitals across the country.
The Miracle Momentum award includes a $10,000 donation, which will significantly amplify Boston Children’s ability to serve its community. Collectively, credit unions have raised over $200 million for hospitals, ensuring that every child treated at a CMN hospital receives care regardless of their family’s financial circumstances. This achievement underscores the importance of the credit union industry in our community. We know Boston Children’s to be the best place to get answers, and we are proud to make an impact with this award.
Special thanks to Credit Union For Kids, America’s Credit Unions, and Velera for their contributions in creating this opportunity for us to make an impact. From the lab to the clinic, Boston Children’s Hospital never stops finding answers for families. With this donation, Boston Children’s Hospital can do more good for more children in 2025.
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