Introducing New Digital Features

New digital banking features by Harvard FCU

At Harvard FCU, we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to enhance our members’ experiences, and feedback from members is often what drives these initiatives.

This year, we’ve made a number of technical improvements based on input from you!

New Online Mortgage Application: In April, we introduced a new mortgage application platform that makes finding the right home loan and applying online easier than ever. Whether you’re buying, renovating, or tapping into your home equity, Harvard FCU is there for you every step of the way — and with a new, more user-friendly mortgage process.

New Virtual Assistant: If you’ve logged into Online Banking or visited our site recently, you may have noticed IVY, the newest member of our team! Ivy is a virtual chatbot that is available to help answer your frequently asked questions, guide you through our site, or get you in touch with the right Support Team member as quickly as possible. With Ivy, great customer service is right at your fingertips.

As Harvard FCU continues to progress and strive to meet the needs of members, our focus will always be on making your road to a healthy financial life simple, seamless, and less stressful!

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