HUECU is now Harvard Federal Credit Union

We’re proud to announce that our Credit Union is rebranding with a new name and logo. As of June 3rd, HUECU will officially become Harvard Federal Credit Union, and we wanted you to be the first to know. Since our founding in 1939, we have always grown and adapted to the world around us. We believe changing to a federal charter will enhance our ability to compete and thrive in today’s dynamic financial marketplace and help us better serve our members’ needs.

So, what does that mean for you? As a valued member of Harvard Federal Credit Union, all your deposits will remain fully insured through a combination of federal and state insurance, and all branch and digital services will continue to be offered. With a larger, more comprehensive network of services, we are equipped to cater to your financial needs at every stage of your life. Whether it’s securing your first home, saving for your children’s education, or planning for retirement, our growing list of products and services will empower you to achieve your goals.

At Harvard Federal Credit Union, we will continue to build a more prosperous community by enhancing the financial well-being of all we serve, empowering our members to make a positive impact in their lives and communities.

We look forward to growing with you, for many years to come.

Learn more here!

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