Harvard FCU Receives Dora Maxwell Award

Harvard FCU’s CEO Craig Leonard and Community Engagement Specialist, Terrence Bazile, recently attended APEX 2023, hosted in Connecticut and presented by the Cooperative Credit Union Association and the Credit Union League of Connecticut. At the event, Harvard FCU was honored to be awarded the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Community Service Award!

This award is presented to credit unions that have demonstrated exceptional social responsibility and community service within their communities through various external projects, such as fundraising for charity, educational initiatives like Harvard FCU’s financial workshops, community involvement projects like volunteer fairs, low-income housing initiatives, and lending employees for volunteer work in hospitals, retirement homes, schools, and more. The award is named in honor of Dora Maxwell, an early credit union pioneer, who played a significant role in organizing credit unions and promoting volunteerism, especially in support of impoverished communities. We are sincerely grateful for this recognition of Harvard FCU’s efforts and dedication to our volunteer initiative program, and we remain committed to our ongoing mission to improve and uplift our communities.

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