Harvard FCU Middle School Essay Winners Receive State Award

On Friday, May 20, two Harvard Federal Credit Union (Harvard FCU) sponsored students were honored at the 2022 Cooperative Credit Union Association, Inc. (CCUA) Massachusetts Students Essay Contest Awards Ceremony at the Holiday Inn and Suites in Marlborough. The two students had previously won Harvard FCU’s essay contest before having their submissions elevated to the state-level competition.

The Credit Union extends congratulations to their sponsored winners Alyssa Hutchinson from Nauset Regional Middle School, and Isabella John from Trinity Catholic Academy. Both winners wrote essays about how COVID_19 impacted their lives and ultimately how they transformed the pandemic experience into a learning lesson. “I didn’t think what I said was moving enough,” stated eighth grader and future OBGYN, Isabella John. “My mom found out about it and encouraged me to apply. I didn’t think it was going to be at this magnitude.”

The (CCUA) encourages any eligible student to participate at the state level next year. “We’ve been doing this for 32-years. It’s an effort to connect credit unions and local communities by highlighting incredible students throughout the Bay State,” said Bill Nagle, Senior V.P. Professional Development for the Cooperative Credit Union Association (CCUA). For additional scholarship opportunities, visit: ccua.org

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