Harvard FCU Holds Annual Meeting and Director Election

On Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Harvard Federal Credit Union held its 82nd Annual Meeting at the Harvard Faculty Club.

At the meeting, members in attendance heard from Credit Union officers and directors about the 2021 performance of Harvard FCU. Speakers included Chairman George White, President and CEO Craig Leonard, Senior Vice President and CFO Katie Armstrong, and Board Director & Governance Committee Chair Thomas Lucey.

After reports from the Chairman, President & CEO, and CFO, there was a special vote to approve changes to Harvard FCU’s bylaws. The proposed changes, which are available here, received the necessary votes for approval and were passed.

Also at the meeting, Thomas Lucey announced the results of the Board of Director election, which took place earlier in the day. The election was for five seats on the Harvard FCU Board of Directors. Four incumbents were elected and will be joined by a new board member, Mary Ann O’Brien.

Congratulations to our elected Directors: April Edrington, Harman Kaur, Mary Ann O’Brien, Mary Straub, and Shahar Ziv. All of our Directors bring years of experience and enthusiasm to the Board, and we are excited to work with them over the course of their three-year term.

We would also like to thank Ann Dexter who stepped down from the board, after 6 years of service to the Credit Union.

Finally, the Harvard FCU 2021 Annual Report includes business highlights and financial results highlights from the last year. You can find a digital version of the report here.

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